Certified Staircases UK

The staircases that Certified Staircases UK produce are made to conform with all of the applicable UK building rules and legislative requirements. This helps to minimise the risk of injuries and accidents that can be caused by unsafe stairs. Read more :certifiedstaircases.co.uk

They also manufacture their staircases with sustainability in mind, with an aim to cater to a market that is increasingly demanding environmentally responsible construction. This is reflected by their use of sustainable timber in the production of their stairs, as well as their commitment to working with suppliers that are certified to FSC.

These factors contribute to their ability to offer high-quality products at competitive prices. They also strive to keep abreast of any changes in the relevant legislation, and their manufacturing processes are audited by a third party company to ensure that they meet all of the relevant standards.

Ascending Excellence: Exploring Certified Staircases UK

As a manufacturer that has been in business for over 30 years, they are committed to satisfying their customers’ needs. They combine the latest technology with a team of experienced and dedicated workers, all of which help to ensure that they produce superior quality staircases.

All of their bespoke wooden staircases are designed to comply with Document K, which governs the specific measurements and ratios that must be adhered to in order to meet the required safety standards. This is an important aspect of staircase design, as it reduces the risk of injury and accidents that can occur on staircases with open drops.

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