HD Printing

hd printing

High Definition Process Printing

HD printing is the latest trend in upscale graphic and photographic reproduction. It offers an unprecedented level of detail, and is used widely by top visual artists and corporations to display their work.

Hd printing can be used for anything from business cards, to posters, to light boxes and canvas prints. It is the perfect solution to create the highest quality product for your business or event and gives your customers a premium experience at an affordable price.

Hi-Definition printing produces images on packaging with more detail, a wider color range and clarity than conventional print processes. It also provides a consistency of detail that is unmatched in the finished packaging product.

The squeegee pressure should be minimal, a standard 65-or 60/90/60 multi-durometer squeegee will be fine for most HD applications. The press operator should be prepared to adjust squeegee pressure and the speed of the press as production progresses and changes in viscosity and heat affect the results.

The Future of Printing is Here: HD Printing and Its Endless Possibilities

In most cases, progressive layering of printing areas is used to increase the appearance of height on a design. This method helps to prevent registration problems and minimizes waste prints that are often generated from a single screen trying to print with the desired height.

For a long production run, it is important for the press operator to monitor and maintain the quality of an HD job from start to finish. This involves making adjustments to the squeegee pressure and the press speed to compensate for changes in heat and viscosity, increasing production speed, and protecting the quality of the finished products.

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