Adjusting Status After Marriage

An adjustment of status can be quite a daunting task, and the process can be complex. There are a number of steps to take, and a comprehensive set of documents to present. A lawyer can make the process go much more smoothly, and help minimize the likelihood of a costly error.

Can I stay in the US while waiting for adjustment of status?

The first step is to understand how the process works. This includes recognizing the various components of an adjustment of status application. The best way to do this is to contact a competent attorney who will guide you through the entire process.

As you can adjusting status after marriage, the process varies according to the state of the applicant and the status of the applicant’s spouse. In some cases, the spouse may be required to attend an interview.

Obtaining a green card through marriage can be a complicated process. Generally, the process will take two years. However, many couples successfully adjust their status.

An overstaying visitor visa can render the process useless. One of the perks of being an immigrant is that you can continue to work in the United States while you wait for your immigrant visa to be processed.

Although the process varies slightly depending on the state of the applicant and the status of their spouse, the benefits are obvious. If the couple is able to obtain a green card through marriage, they will be able to stay in the country. They will also be able to file for employment authorization documents, which will enable them to continue to work.