Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a form of brain stimulation that does not require an invasive procedure. This type of therapy uses electromagnetic induction to produce an electric current in a specific brain area. It is noninvasive and does not harm the patient. There is a large variety of transcranial magnetic stimulation devices. The technique is becoming more popular with the increasing awareness of its benefits. Listed below are some of the key characteristics and advantages of this type of therapy.
How to Know About Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
– This method produces a magnetic field that affects superficial neurons of the brain. The electrical impulses from the device are carried to the brain through a person’s skull through a magnetic field. The resulting current causes significant changes in the activity of these neurons, which in turn affects their behavior and mental health. The most commonly used transcranial stimulators are shaped like a figure eight. While the electrical current produced in a person’s head is much less than that in the electrodes, the amount of electricity generated in the head is substantial.
In a laboratory, TMS is used to stimulate a patient’s brain. It is also used to treat patients who are afflicted with disorders of the face. The electromagnetic fields from the magnetic coil are believed to influence the function of the central nervous system. There are many studies that have shown the benefits of TMS. The effects of this therapy are many, and are considered beneficial. There is an ongoing research on the benefits of this type of therapy.