Lawn Mower Repair and Maintenance Tips

lawn mower repairLawn Mower Repair – Lawn mowing is a necessary and important chore to maintain a healthy yard. However, with all the modern gadgets and gizmos available today, there are ways to do it properly and save money at the same time. The task of lawn mowing is simple enough in theory, but in practice many people get so caught up in the mechanics of their lawnmower that they forget to clean and maintain their mowers on a regular basis. Some people clean their lawnmower in the garage, or even their shed. This is alright if you have a small garage or shed aFnd are only using it for storing lawn equipment. If however, you have a large lawn and you are regularly using your lawnmower, then it would be a better idea to take your mowers to a lawn service or garage and have them thoroughly cleaned.

Lawn Mower Repair and Maintenance Tips

Simple, basic lawn mower maintenance will help to prolong the expected life of any lawn mower being used. After each use, empty the fuel tank completely. Empty any gas bags inside of them as well. After filling both tanks to the top, allow the gas to settle. Dirt and grass build up should be taken out of all sides of the lawn mower blades and other sections of the lawn mower for maximum protection to the blades and engine.


If your mower’s spark plug or electrical system has developed a problem, it may be wise to replace the entire unit. Often times replacing the entire spark plug assembly will solve the problem. It’s also a good idea to check the owner’s manual and determine exactly which part needs replaced. Sometimes replacing just the spark plug or electrical system can prevent unnecessary wear and tear on the flywheel brake. Replacing the entire flywheel brake system will give you a more reliable piece of equipment.

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