ISO 9001 Certification can be a complicated task and given the high cost and many different requirements associated with the certification, some budding entrepreneurs wonder whether the investment they put into the process is really worth it. There are numerous variables to consider and given that the majority of people will never have to worry about getting an ISO 9001 Certification, there is really no way to accurately guess at what it will cost you. However, there are other considerations, but when you stand to benefit a large return on investment and when the new contract possibilities you get access to… you’ll be able to make an educated guess as to what it’s likely to cost. However, if your intention is simply to obtain an ISO 9001 Certification so you can market yourself as an expert in your field, then you should definitely proceed without any thought whatsoever as to How Much Does ISO 9001 Certification Cost.
How Much Does ISO 9001 Certification Cost?
As you move through the ISO 9001 Certification process and your objectives change from getting your organization to becoming certified, you can expect to pay a little more and for some organizations, a lot more for obtaining the total cost. The prices vary greatly between different levels and certifying bodies, and even within different levels within the same body. The higher your level of certification is, the more likely that you are to pay a premium price for achieving the certifications, however this is all relative. It is important to note that the higher your certification is, the more trust the organization is putting into you, which in turn means that they are more likely to trust the entire certification process itself, as well as the ability and experience of your employees. All in all, the organization you ultimately decide to deal with will determine how much it costs you.
Once you have your certification, you will need to get the appropriate forms, training and staff together in order to complete the audit. If you are dealing with an in-house audit, your organization will be in charge of the audit, though the registrar may assign someone (either a team of internal auditors or a single external auditor) to oversee the process. If you are dealing with an external audit, your responsibilities include but are not limited to, preparing and conducting a complete review of the entire organization, as well as preparing a report for the registrar outlining any corrective actions recommended. Once you have completed the audit, the registrar will provide you a final report detailing any corrective actions they deemed necessary and will inform you of your certification status.